Vineyards and terroir

BES was born in 2017 from the desire to dream and from the love for the land and wine.

Right from the beginning we have been very careful about complying with environment regulations relating to a "green culture" ( we would like to leave to next generations our land free of any unhealty substance) and we took the decision to convert the lands and vineyards to the organic production. And we obtained the certification in November 2020 (Ente certificatore Valori Italia).

BES is a very small winery located in the gentle hills of Monferrato region, in the municipality of Treville.
It consists of 9,5 hectares of lands of which 6 of vineyards.
The soil of the vineyard is originated from marine sediments.
A terroir limestone, clay, alkaline and poor of nourishment that gives to our wines pleasant fruity notes and strong minerality.


For any information, contacts and orders please send an email to: or call: +39 346 8536374